1 – This is the squids's dorsal surface. 2 – This is the squids's mantle.
3 – This is the fin portion of the mantle.
4 – This is the collar portion of the mantle.
5 – This is an eye.
6 – This is one of ten arms.
7 – This is one of a pair of tentacles.

2 – This is the squids's mantle. 3 – This is the fin portion of the mantle.
4 – This is the collar portion of the mantle.
5 – This is an eye.
6 – This is one of ten arms.
7 – This is one of a pair of tentacles.
1 – This is the squid's ventral surface. 2 – This is the squids's mantle.
3 – This is the fin portion of the mantle.
4 – This is the collar portion of the mantle.
5 – This is an eye.
6 – This is one of ten arms.
7 – This is one of a pair of tentacles.
8 – This is the squid's funnel; the equivalent of the clam's excurrent siphon.
9 – This is an incision that was made in preparation for injecting the circulatory system of the squid.

1 - This is the collar area of the squid's mantle.
2 – This is the squid's funnel.
3 – This is the squid's eye.
4 – The arrows point to the two funnel retractor muscles.
5 – The arrow points to the squid's rectum. The two small flaps are called rectal papillae.
6 – The left arrow points to one of a pair of cartilaginous ridges in the mantle that fits into grooves on the funnel (right arrow).

1 – The arrow points to a sucker on one of the squid's arms.
2 – This is a part of the buccal membrane.
3 – This is the buccal mass, a muscular organ with chitinous teeth and a radula for masticating prey to prepare it for digestion.
4 – The arrow points to tissues associated with the squid's salivary glands.
5 – The arrow points to the esophagus. The tissue surrounding the esophagus is associated with the liver.

1 – This is the funnel area of the head. 2 – The arrow points to the right gill.
3 – The arrow points to the left funnel retractor muscle.
4 – The arrow points to the squid's rectum.
5 – The arrow points to one of the squid's branchial hearts. They receive deoxygenated blood from the precavae and the posterior vena cavae and pump it through the gills.
6 – The arrow points to one of the squid's precavae. These vessels containing the kidneys, receive deoxygenated blood from the head area via the anterior vena cava and direct it to the branchial hearts.
7 – The arrow points to one of the squid's posterior vena cavae. These vessels receive deoxygenated blood from the mantle area and direct it to the branchial hearts.
8 – The arrow points to the squid's caecum, a large chamber receiving masticated food from the stomach. Much of the digestion occurs here.
9 – The arrow points to the squid's single testis. Usually, it is partially covered by the caecum.

1 – This is the funnel area of the head. 2 – This is the squid's rectum. It is terminated by two ear-like flaps.
3 – This is the left funnel retractor muscle.
4 – The arrow points to one of the squid's gills.
5 – The arrow points to the ink sac. This melanin-containing sac is dorsal to the intestine an empties into it.
6 – The arrow points to the squid's pair of nidamental glands. They secrete material that becomes the egg casings.
7 – The arrow points to the squid's left branchial heart. They receive blood from the vena cavae and pump it through the gills.
8 – This is the squid's ovary. It occupies much of this part of the mantle cavity and covers the caecum.

1 – This is the head area, seen laterally.
2 – This is the dorsal groove in the collar. The cartilaginous ridge in the head fits into it. The groove is supported internally by the pen.
3 – This is the collar.
4 – This is the stellate ganglion, a mass of cell bodies with giant motor axions that innervate the muscles of the mantle for rapid swimming.
5 – This is the squid's left gill. It has been injected with red latex.
6 – This is the left funnel retractor muscle.
Latin.mollis = soft)
This phylum is one of the largest marine groups with over 80 000 species. All comprise of a soft, unsegmented body, consisting of an anterior head, a dorsal visceral mass and a ventral foot.The body is more or less surrounded by a fleshy mantle (an outgrowth of the body wall) and nearly all species in the group secrete a lime shell that covers and protects the body. All, except the class Bivalvia, have a ribbon-like rasping tongue (radula - unique to this phylum) with small chitinous teeth that processes the food. Most mollusks are free living, but slow moving creatures, showing a close association with the substrate. Some attach to rocks or shells, others burrow, others float, octopuses and squids swim freely.
1. Body usually short and partially or wholy enclosed by a fleshy outgrowth of the body wall called the mantle, which may be variously modified. Between the mantle and the visceral mass is a mantle cavity containing components of several systems (secondarily lost in a few groups).
2. A shell (if present) is secreted by the mantle and consists of one, two or eight parts. the head and the ventral muscular foot are closely allied (the foot being variously modified for burrowing, crawling, swimming, or food capture).
3. The digestive canals are complete and intricate with ciliary canals for the sorting of particles. The mouth with a rudula bearing traverse rows of minute chitinous teeth to rasp food , except in Bivalvia. The anus opening in the mantle cavity. A large digestive gland and often salivary glands are present.
4. The circulatory system is open, except in Cephalopoda and usually includes a dorsal heart with one or two atrias and one ventricle. This is situated in a pericardial cavity. An anterior aorta and other vessels and many blood spaces (hemocoels) exist in the tissues.
5. Respiration occurs via one to many uniquely structured ctenidia (gills) in the mantle cavity (secondarily lost in some), by the mantle cavity, or by the mantle.
6. Excretion by kidneys (nephridia), one or two or six pairs, or only a single one. They usually connect to the pericardial cavity and they exit in the mantle cavity. The coelom is reduced to the cavities of the nephridia, gonads and pericardium.
7. The nervous system is typically a circumesophageal nerve ring with multiple pairs of ganglia and two pairs of nerve cords (one pair innervating the foot and another the visceral mass). Many poses organs for smell, or touch, or taste. Eyespots or complex eyes present. A statocyst for equilibration present.
8. The sexes are usually seperate(some are monoecious, a few are protandric). Gonads add up to four, two or one, all with ducts. Fertilization occurs externally or internally. Most species are oviparous. Egg cleavage determinate, spiral, unequal and total (meroblastic in Cephalopoda). Trochophores and veliger larvae form, or a parasitic stage occurs(Unionidae), or the development is direct (Plumonata, Cephalopoda).
9. Unsegmented (except Monoplasophora). Symmetry bilateral or asymmetrical.
Prepared by the BioG 101-104 Course Staff.Comments to Jon C. Glase: jcg6@cornell.eduAll contents © 2000 Cornell University. All rights reserved.Revised: April 5, 2000URL: http://biog-101-104.bio.cornell.edu/
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These are fundamentally short term loans that do supply you meet your fiscal issues within a desired certain time period.
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of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing essential right here.
Applying for these loans is also especially convenient.
People simply call for filling an over the internet type and as soon as this gets authorized money is received within 24 hours
time frame. These loans are usually offered under
hassle-free terms and situations. The basic standard applicant
criteria here is that they should certainly be a UK resident and of 18 years of
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These are generally brief term loans that do deliver you meet
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Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially created above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept fully free from credential checksums.
Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are
not regarded right here. Additional, there
are also no collaterals connected with these loans.
There is minimal paper perform needed on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing necessary right here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally practical.
Folks simply require filling an over the internet type and as soon as this gets authorized money
is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly supplied under hassle-free terms and circumstances.
The general simple applicant criteria right here is that they
must be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief term loans that do provide you meet
your fiscal difficulties within a preferred precise time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are specifically
intended above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept absolutely cost-free from credential
checksums. Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even
IVAs are not deemed right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper perform expected on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing needed here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally practical.
Consumers merely demand filling an online
type and once this gets approved money is received within 24
hours time frame. These loans are typically provided
beneath practical terms and situations. The basic standard applicant
criteria right here is that they should be a UK resident and
of 18 years of age.
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These are basically brief term loans that do
offer you meet your fiscal problems inside a desired certain time period.
Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are specifically developed above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept fully absolutely free from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded here.
Further, there are also no collaterals connected
with these loans. There is minimal paper operate essential on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing required here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally practical.
Consumers merely call for filling an over the
internet form and when this gets authorized money is received within 24
hours time frame. These loans are in general supplied under hassle-free
terms and circumstances. The basic fundamental applicant criteria here is that they ought to be a UK resident
and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short phrase loans that do deliver
you meet your fiscal issues inside a desired
precise time period. Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are
specifically created above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept absolutely cost-free from credential checksums.
Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs
are not thought to be here. Further, there are also
no collaterals linked with these loans. There is minimal paper work needed on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing needed right here.
Applying for these loans is also highly hassle-free.
People today merely require filling an internet type and once this gets authorized money is received inside 24
hours time frame. These loans are in general supplied below handy terms and circumstances.
The basic basic applicant criteria here is that they really should
be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do deliver you meet
your fiscal difficulties within a desired distinct time period.
Considering time limitations these loans are specifically created above an
obligation free platform. As such, these are kept absolutely
free from credential checksums. Concerns such as defaults, arrears,
bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as right here.
Further, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans.
There is minimal paper perform required on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or further documentation
or faxing needed here. Applying for these loans
is also very practical. Consumers just call for filling an web based form and once this gets approved cash is received inside
24 hours time frame. These loans are typically offered beneath handy
terms and conditions. The general basic applicant criteria right here is that they will need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal matters within
a preferred precise time period. Contemplating time limitations these loans are particularly developed above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept completely cost-free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs
are not thought to be right here. Further, there are also no collaterals connected with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate necessary on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation
or faxing needed here. Applying for these loans is also highly convenient.
Folks basically demand filling an on the internet form and as soon
as this gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general offered below practical terms and conditions.
The basic fundamental applicant criteria here is that they really should be a UK
resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically short term loans that do supply you
meet your fiscal challenges inside a preferred precise time period.
Considering time limitations these loans are especially designed above an obligation no cost platform.
As such, these are kept entirely totally free from credential checksums.
Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
even IVAs are not viewed as right here. Further, there are also no collaterals
linked with these loans. There is minimal paper work essential on
the element of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing expected
right here. Applying for these loans is also especially convenient.
People merely call for filling an on-line type and when this gets approved
cash is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are generally provided beneath
hassle-free terms and circumstances. The basic fundamental applicant criteria here is that they really should be a UK resident
and of 18 years of age.
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These are essentially brief term loans that do provide you meet your fiscal problems inside a desired precise
time period. Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly created above an obligation
free platform. As such, these are kept absolutely no cost
from credential checksums. Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans.
There is minimal paper work needed on the component of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing needed
right here. Applying for these loans is also quite handy.
Many people simply demand filling an on line form and as soon as this gets authorized cash is received within
24 hours time frame. These loans are frequently supplied below
practical terms and conditions. The general fundamental applicant criteria here is that they need to be a UK resident and of
18 years of age.
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These are essentially brief term loans that do give you meet your fiscal difficulties inside a desired certain time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially intended above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept entirely cost-free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
even IVAs are not thought to be right here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals connected with these loans.
There is minimal paper perform necessary on the part of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing required here.
Applying for these loans is also particularly handy.
Consumers only call for filling an via the internet type and as soon as this gets
approved money is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are often supplied under hassle-free terms and circumstances.
The general basic applicant criteria here is that they need to be a UK resident and
of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do deliver you meet your fiscal issues inside a
preferred distinct time period. Contemplating time limitations these loans are specifically
created above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept fully free from credential checksums.
Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs
are not considered right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate essential on the part of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing required right here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally hassle-free.
Persons just require filling an web based type and as soon as this gets authorized
money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are generally provided below hassle-free terms and situations.
The common basic applicant criteria here is that they
should really be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically short term loans that do deliver you meet your fiscal concerns inside a preferred precise time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially designed above an obligation no
cost platform. As such, these are kept totally 100 % free from credential checksums. Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected with these loans. There is minimal paper function necessary on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing expected here. Applying for these loans is also pretty practical. People today simply need filling an online form and as soon as this gets approved money is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly provided beneath practical terms and circumstances. The basic fundamental applicant criteria here is that they really should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do produce you meet your fiscal concerns within a preferred particular time period.
Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are
especially designed above an obligation no
cost platform. As such, these are kept totally free from credential checksums.
Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs
are not thought to be here. Further, there are also no collaterals linked
with these loans. There is minimal paper function necessary on the
portion of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing required right here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally convenient.
Men and women only demand filling an via the internet form and as soon as this
gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are usually provided below handy terms and situations.
The general standard applicant criteria right here is that they
should certainly be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically brief term loans that
do present you meet your fiscal problems within a preferred specific
time period. Thinking about time limitations these loans are particularly created
above an obligation 100 % free platform. As such, these are kept totally zero cost from credential checksums. Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper function required on the element of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing needed here. Applying for these loans is also particularly hassle-free. People today only demand filling an on the internet form and as soon as this gets approved money is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are often provided below convenient terms and circumstances. The basic simple applicant criteria here is that they should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal problems within
a desired distinct time period. Considering time limitations these loans are
especially designed above an obligation no cost platform.
As such, these are kept completely cost-free from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
even IVAs are not regarded right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate necessary on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing required here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally hassle-free.
Folks basically need filling an over the internet form and when this
gets approved money is received within 24 hours time
frame. These loans are typically provided under handy terms and circumstances.
The basic standard applicant criteria here is that they ought to be a UK resident and of
18 years of age.
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These are essentially short phrase loans that do
supply you meet your fiscal troubles within a preferred distinct time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially designed above an obligation free of charge platform.
As such, these are kept entirely zero cost from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded
as here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with
these loans. There is minimal paper operate necessary
on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing needed right here.
Applying for these loans is also especially convenient.
Men and women just require filling an on the net type and once this gets approved cash is
received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are frequently offered under
hassle-free terms and situations. The common basic applicant criteria right here is that they
should really be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are essentially brief phrase loans that do supply you meet
your fiscal matters inside a preferred specific time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are especially designed above an obligation cost-free
platform. As such, these are kept completely 100 % free from credential checksums. Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as right here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper perform required on the portion of borrower. There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing needed here. Applying for these loans is also exceptionally handy. Many people only require filling an on-line type and once this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are typically provided below practical terms and conditions. The basic simple applicant criteria here is that they will need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short phrase loans that do supply you meet
your fiscal issues inside a preferred specific time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are specifically developed above
an obligation zero cost platform. As such, these are kept absolutely free from credential checksums.
Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals related
with these loans. There is minimal paper work needed on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing expected here.
Applying for these loans is also especially practical.
Folks simply demand filling an via the internet form and once this
gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general supplied under handy
terms and situations. The basic simple applicant
criteria here is that they should be a UK resident and
of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short phrase loans that do give you meet your fiscal
difficulties within a preferred precise time period.
Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are specifically
designed above an obligation totally free platform. As such,
these are kept completely totally free from credential checksums.
Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs
and even IVAs are not thought to be here. Additional, there are also no
collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper
perform necessary on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing
expected right here. Applying for these loans is also especially handy.
Men and women merely call for filling an on the internet form and when
this gets authorized money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are normally provided beneath hassle-free terms
and circumstances. The basic basic applicant criteria here is that
they should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally short term loans that do provide you meet your fiscal matters within a desired distinct time period.
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